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The apple cider vinegar that contains all of the health benefits is not a clear vinegar, but just the opposite. It is an organic and unfiltered vinegar . It is not a clear liquid, but has got a brownish tinge to it. If you try looking through it, you will notice a tiny cobweb-like substance floating in it. This is known as “mother”, and means just one thing. This apple cider vinegar is of good quality with all the nutrients and health giving properties intact.


There surely must be something really healthy in using apple cider vinegar since the “Father of Medicine”, Hippocrates, used this vinegar around 400 B.C. for its health giving qualities. It is said that he had only two remedies: honey and apple cider vinegar.


Natural apple cider vinegar is a wonderful natural cure for a number of ailments which usually require antibiotics and other medications that can have a number of side effects.

In particular, it has been known to:

  • reduce sinus infections and sore throats
  • balance high cholesterol
  • cure skin conditions such as acne
  • protect against food poisoning
  • fight allergies in both humans and animals
  • prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
  • strengthen the immune system
  • increase stamina
  • increase metabolism which promotes weight loss
  • improve digestion and cure constipation
  • alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout
  • prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections
  • assist in weight loss

Nutritional Profile

Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and also contains boron, iron, minerals, trace minerals, enzymes and pectin.


The information provided is for educational purposes only and must not be taken or interpreted as a suggestion or as medical advise. If you have any medical conditions, you should consult your health care professional.

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