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Lavender thrives in stony habitats that have access to lots of sunlight. Indigenous to the mountain zones of the Mediterranean, lavender can be found growing in the wild throughout southern Europe.

Lavender is actually a shrub with heavy branches that grows up to about 60 cm. Wood-like branches grow from the broad rootstock and green leaf-like shoots resembling rods protrude out from the branches. The narrow, grayish green leaves covered in a silver blanket-like substance taper down from the base. The leaves are oblong in shape and attach directly at the base in curled spiral-like patterns.

Lavender is frequently alluded to as a natural remedy for a large variety of ailments. Lavender is primarily used in connection with insomnia, anxiety, depression, and mood disturbances. This is due to recent and past studies showing lavender’s effectiveness in producing calming, soothing and anticonvulsive effects in those who use it.


The word “lavender” comes from the Latin lavare means “to wash”. The Romans added lavender to their bath water so it is likely that the herb become synonymous with the ritual of bathing.

Long ago, Egyptians using lavender for mummification and perfume whilst the Romans used lavender oils for bathing, cooking and scenting the air. Lavender was famous since the French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse discovered the use of lavender to heal his burn quickly without scarring and he subsequently discovered its excellent antiseptic qualities.

Nowadays, lavender is grown in many parts of the world for commercial use and the province region of France is widely renowned as a world leader in growing and producing lavender.


One of the primary things lavender essential oil is used for is to calm the nervous system. The scent of lavender is known to be calming. In tonics it is used to treat headaches, anxiety, depression, emotional stress, and nervous tension. The health benefits of lavender in this capacity can be gained through any type of scent release such as a diffuser, candle, perfume, tonic or personal product.

Another known health benefit of lavender is its ability to relieve pain. Lavender essential oil can ease pain from sore muscles, tension, arthritis, sprains and pain in the joints. To take advantage of the pain relieving properties of lavender, you could use it in an oil. You can massage lavender essential oil directly on sore muscles or use it in combination with other essential oils for combined benefit.

Nutritional Profile

Lavender contains essential oils and a broad-spectrum of minerals and trace elements.


Warning:As with any essential oil or natural supplement, caution should be used when you are using lavender essential oil medicinally.

Certain groups within the population should avoid using lavender for its health benefits. This includes those who are diabetic and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Additionally, those who have sensitive skin should use lavender essential oil with increased caution.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and must not be taken or interpreted as a suggestion or as medical advise.

If you have any medical conditions, you should consult your health care professional.

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