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Unterstützung des Immunsystems bei Geflügel

Poultry Immune Support unterstützt das Immunsystem Ihrer Herde dabei, Krankheitserreger frühzeitig zu erkennen und abzutöten und ermöglicht Ihren Vögeln, auf natürliche Weise eine heimliche Immunität aufzubauen.

Regulärer Preis $26.00

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  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1L
  • Single Item

Our Poultry Immune Support is a specially formulated, plant-based food/water additive, designed to support the immune system and overall health of poultry.


Unterstützung des Immunsystems bei Geflügel

Immunity Boost

Strengthens poultry defences for overall health.

Easy Application

Simple water additive for convenient immune support.

Natural Extracts

Harnesses Melaleuca Alternifolia's anti-pathogen power.

Pathogen Defence

Disrupts coatings, aiding immune recognition and attack.

Holistic Wellness

Safely destroys pathogens, ensuring bird well-being.

Proactive Health

Acts preventively, supporting long-term poultry health.

Immunity Boost

Strengthens poultry defences for overall health.

Easy Application

Simple water additive for convenient immune support.

Natural Extracts

Harnesses Melaleuca Alternifolia's anti-pathogen power.

Unterstützung des Immunsystems bei Geflügel

Pathogen Defence

Disrupts coatings, aiding immune recognition and attack.

Holistic Wellness

Safely destroys pathogens, ensuring bird well-being.

Proactive Health

Acts preventively, supporting long-term poultry health.

How It Works?

Paradise Nutrients Poultry Immune Support works by providing natural plant-derived compounds that work in synergy to strengthen the immune system. The active ingredients, work by:

Blocking Viruses
Tea Tree Oil compounds can prevents viruses from attaching to poultry cells, reducing the risk of infections.
Boosting Immunity
By promoting the production of immune cells, Tea Tree Extracts helps poultry fight off viral and bacterial infections more effectively.
Promoting Strength
A strong immune system improves the overall health and productivity of your poultry.


Melaleuca Whole Plant Extracts

Sea and Plant Minerals

Aloe Vera Extract

Other Synergised Plant Compounds

Melaleuca Whole Plant Extracts

Sea and Plant Minerals

Aloe Vera Extract

Other Synergised Plant Compounds

Check Out Our Ingredients

Our Melaleuca Whole Plant Extracts, have been uniquely modified and extracted (through a natural process) to reduce hydrocarbons and volatile compounds, making it safe for poultry.

Why It Works

Our Poultry Immune Support ingredients are backed by scientific research proving the safety and effectiveness of its key ingredients.

Tea Tree Oil supports immune responses, giving your poultry a natural defence against viral infections by interfering with viral cell surface proteins.

Tea Tree Oil and Extracts have shown to prevent the binding of virus particles to cellular receptors

Research papers also demonstrate that Melaleuca Leaf Extracts have shown to be highly effective against avian influenza virus subtypes such as H7N3 and H9N2, making it a valuable tool in combating viral outbreaks in poultry​.

Studies show Post treatment appears to interfere with intracellular virus replication.

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Unterstützung des Immunsystems bei Geflügel

Unser Ansatz bei Geflügelkrankheiten besteht darin, das Immunsystem Ihrer Herde mit Nährstoffen und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zu unterstützen und Ihren Hühnern bei Bedarf zu helfen.

Paradise Nutrients Poultry Immune Support ist so konzipiert, dass es einfach anzuwenden ist. Geben Sie ein paar Tropfen in das Wasser Ihrer Hühner und geben Sie ihnen damit einen natürlichen Extrakt zur Immununterstützung. Das Konzept besteht darin, das Immunsystem zu unterstützen, damit es Krankheitserreger frühzeitig erkennen und abtöten kann, sodass die Hühner ein verborgenes Immunsystem aufbauen können.

Die Extrakte werden aus einer Kombination bewährter immunstärkender Nährstoffe und Extrakten des Melaleuca Alternifolia-Baums hergestellt und sind reich an natürlichen antipathogenen Verbindungen und Antioxidantien.

Studien haben gezeigt, dass natürliche antipathogene Verbindungen die Fähigkeit besitzen, die Schutzschicht von Krankheitserregern zu zerstören, wodurch das Immunsystem den Krankheitserreger schnell identifizieren und frühzeitig angreifen kann.

Die Inhaltsstoffe von Poultry Immune Support haben sich außerdem bei der Zerstörung zahlreicher im Wasser der Vögel vorhandener Krankheitserreger als wirksam erwiesen, ohne dass die Gesundheit der Vögel dabei negativ beeinflusst wird.

Safety and Effectiveness

Excessive use of antibiotics in poultry production leads to bacterial resistance, a growing public health issue. Many harmful bacteria reside in the intestinal tract of animals and can be transmitted to humans through faecal material or the food chain. Paradise Nutrients Poultry Immune Support offers a natural alternative to reduce the need for antibiotics and promote healthier, more resilient birds.


Research shows that Tea Tree Leaf Extracts and oil are safe when used at appropriate dosages. In vitro studies found no harmful effects on poultry cells when administered correctly​.

Proven Results:

Tea Tree Oil has demonstrated strong antiviral activity in various studies. Pre-treatment with Tea Tree Oil in poultry significantly reduced viral loads, proving its effectiveness in preventing infections like avian influenza​.

Our Research

The Paradise Nutrients trials are underway to confirm the positive results of Poultry Immune Support against a variety of viruses, bacteria and diseases.

Based on promising field results and ongoing university studies, Paradise Nutrients is dedicated to providing the poultry industry with the latest insights on our unique formulations, delivering effective, complementary solutions for poultry health.

Check Out Our Poultry Immune Support Videos

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